Popcorn Kernels

£0.42 GBP

Sku: LJFGR007

Estimated delivery between March 11 and March 14.


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Popcorn kernels are a specific type of dried popping corn, so we're sorry but you can't just dry and cook regular shop-bought corn to get popcorn.

Within each kernel of dried popcorn there is still moisture. During the heating process, the moisture becomes pressurized steam, and once enough pressure builds, the hulls rupture. An airy foam is produced from the starch contained in the kernel, which cools quickly into the popcorn puff we know.

The most common method of popping popcorn kernels is heating up some oil in a dry pan (a wet pan will make the oil spit) before adding the popcorn kernals, covering, and waiting for those pops! Simply toss in your favourite topping, whether it be the classic salty, sugar/sugar syrup, chilli flakes, or cinnamon. We love melting a bit of marmite with vegan butter (or regular butter if you fancy) and mixing it in with the popcorn. Get creative! 

Top tip: To stop the kernels burning on the bottom of the pan, follow this linked method from Simply recipes to show you how.


Popcorn Kernels

£0.42 GBP

£0.42 GBP