How To Shop Online?
Everything is becoming better and more detailed, with more options to choose from. All of our weighted products (food, denttabs, tea + coffee etc.) are now available to buy in custom amounts.
All weighted products are sold by the kilo online. This may cause confusion, so please double check your quantities before checking out. A quick key: 1 = 1kg, 0.1 = 100g, 0.01 = 10g.
Each product will now have in-depth descriptions and allergen information (thank you Grace!) – please bear with us as we get this all up-to-date. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email or call us.

Think this is in-depth?! Perhaps Grace went a little over-board..!
Why the change? What’s new?
One of the most annoying things about our previous website was that our stock didn’t add up. We launched our click + collect on our old website just a week before COVID-19 – and thank goodness we did! Being online really helped us continue the business, and grow, over the last two years.
The goods where you buy by the weight or volume (foods, liquids, tea + coffee), online, were not coming out of our inventory in the shop and this became a big problem for us, pretty quickly. With our stock not in line, it was hard to keep on top of stock control and we hated disappointing you if stuff wasn’t in stock.
We’ve been working behind the scenes to get another site up and running, where the stock works, both online and offline! Why is this important? This is good for us business-wise, for you to see what is in and out of stock in real time and for us to further develop ourselves online.
But most importantly, a huge thanks goes to Ang – you may have noticed Jess chatting with her in the shop. Ang is a great family friend and has been working closely with Jess to help develop the website. We know you’re thinking there must be an easy way around it – and there were! – but we wanted to get it perfect..
However, we had a deadline approaching us quicker than we wanted, so we’ve had to make some tweaks!
You can now have customer accounts, with more features on that coming soon, navigate easier around the site, a search bar that actually works, and a few recipe ideas in the product
Please give us feedback
The website is still a work-in-progress. We have over 1,000 products to redo photos, descriptions and stocktake, all whilst running the shop and keeping the site running. A complete makeover and it’s about time! Please bear with us.
Let us know what you think. How easy is it to navigate? Is the ordering system easy? Or do you just LOVE it (please..!)